Ok, so you already have a website. It has served you well for awhile, but you feel like it’s getting a bit stale. The trouble is, you’re not sure whether a redesign is worth the investment. Here are five times when it’s probably a good idea to start the redesign process:
1. Your current website is cluttered and it’s becoming more difficult to add new content.
A lot of times, a website can start out as a small brochure-like resource for your company. But as the years go by, the site expands and the new content starts to cramp your original layout. Suddenly, your home page is a jumble of information and your navigation bar is scrolling off the screen.
When that happens, it’s a good time for a redesign. Your new site should be flexible, and be built to accommodate future additions.
2. Your website looks dated.
Just because you have a website that has been around for awhile doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to redesign. A well-built site can be an asset for years. But sometimes a site just plain looks old.
As with just about everything else in our culture, the trends in web design change over the years. Your new website doesn’t have to be “trendy”, per se. But it should at least have a clean and professional look.┬á Remember, a lot of people will judge your company based on how your website looks.
3. You want your website to do more.
Perhaps you’re ready to start selling online. Maybe you have already been in the e-commerce game for awhile, but are looking to expand. Or, maybe you aren’t selling online but want to add more bells and whistles to your site.
It can take a few years for a website’s look to become dated. But it takes very little time at all for the technology behind your website to age. If you’re currently stuck using outdated content management systems, etc., it may be time to look at something new.
4. You’re being out-classed by your competition.
While it’s not always advisable to get into a game of tit-for-tat with your competition, there’s something to be said about having the better website.┬á If your website isn’t up to snuff, that can hurt your business.
Even if your competitors don’t have ultra-fancy websites, why not go out and take the lead?
5. You’re looking to build a community.
Often you’ll find that a website is just a one-way street. You’re telling potential customers what you want them to know. But, in the age of social media, opening up a line of communication can greatly benefit your business.
Allowing users to review products, comment on news and just generally interact with your business is easier than ever before.  There are many tools available that encourage dialogue and they can often be implemented at a very reasonable cost.
So, there you have it.  A redesign does require an investment.  But, if done properly, it can be a very smart investment!
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or leave a comment below.