Free WordPress Video Library for Clients

One of my favorite sayings when discussing a client’s WordPress powered website is “I won’t leave you on an island”. Meaning, I’m not going to create the website, hand it over to you and expect you to know everything there is to know about WordPress. There’s a learning curve involved and it takes some time. Particularly for folks learning how to update their website for the first time.

With that in mind, last week I sent out a message to my clients stating that they now have free access to a WordPress Video Library. It’s a collection of short videos (usually less than 5 minutes each) that will take you through how WordPress works and how to accomplish specific tasks. The videos are formatted for both desktop and mobile devices.

While the videos are free, you do need to be a client and have a valid login to watch them. But, if you want a taste of what you’re missing out on, check out the video below explaining the WordPress Dashboard:

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Eric Karkovack Web Design Services, LLC